The More Things Change
It seems that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The news is running rampant with our"sensibilities". An aunt in Irvington, NJ slit the throat of her 5-year old nephew;what possibly at 5-years old could have precipatated such an act? No one seems to have an explanation. I am becoming more cynical with the passing of each nonsensical act that draws headlines. This more and more is becoming a MAD World where sanity is unfurled. Why would OJ refuse to disappear? Why would Michael Richards use a public forum to spew the racial hatred that evidently had been seething in him for a long time? Why did the young men start a fire at Seton Hall University in which several people lost their lives not face murder charges? Why are so many of our soldiers dying overseas, fighting a war which has no reason, in the name of a President who should be charged with Treason? The more things change, the more they stay the same. There was a time that the color of your skin was reason enough to kill, rape, pillage & basically disregard HUMAN LIFE. (I think a very appropos song was sung by Lady Day called "Strange Fruit", and while the offenders are not swung from trees because they are different, the result is the same. ) It is a Mad, Mad World.
You're barking up my cynicism tree now mick. I'm worried that the more this crazy stuff happens, the less surprised I am.
What is this world coming to?
It's a shame but it seems that it's the way the world has been for eons. This era in some ways is more intelligent than any era before, but we're still maintaining those neanderthal ways
We are living among crazy times. Many question if we're living in the "last days". Although I'm not certain, I would definitely agree that life as we know it is changing drastically.
Crimes seem to be more frequent and violent,there is little regard for the lives of women, children, or the elderly; And our children...whew...UNBELIEVABLE. They have feelings of entitlement beyond measure and generally their parents have the same belief system.
Crack, Crank, school drop-out rates, illiteracy, materialism, lack of respect for self and authority figures, get rich schemes, etc. The list goes on and on...
You add a Hurricane like Katrina or an earthquake to the mix....our days our obviously numbered.
Counselor tip of the day: Go to church and get your soul in order...before it's too late.
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