I received an email about illegal aliens in California courtesy of the LA Times. It was chock-full of stats; none good, but the one thing that kept resonating in my mind was: "Why was it sent to me?" The sender always debates with me on the merits of Affirmative Action, Reparations, anything that White vs Black might choose opposite sides. It never gets ugly, we ultimately agree to disagree. I digress, the stats are astounding not to mention disturbing. I was born in this country, yet if I go for a job interview, I am asked, "What other languages do you speak?" I get offended. I understand there is in influx of foreigners, both legal and illegal, and that there must exist a capacity to communicate. It just is beyond my comprehension why I have to learn their language when they come to the country I was born in (notice I didn't say MY COUNTRY - if feels more like I am the outsider). This article also went on and on about the benefits afforded these legal & illegal aliens from preferential job placement to health to domicile. I don't want to get off on a rant but sharing is in order. I have a debilitating disease for which there is no cure. I cannot afford health insurance; I work for an employer (12 years) who says he can't afford coverage for this pre-existing condition. My employer is the least of the point. People can live in this country legally or not, waltz into any hospital and receive medical care. I'm not looking for the expulsion of ALL not American-born residents, I'm just looking for a modicum of justice in a system which is inherently UNJUST. Maybe it's too much to ask. If I get challeged: to a gun fight and all I get is a pocket-knife or a swimming meet that I have to wear a 20lb. chain around my neck or a contest that even if I am the best, I'm not allowed to win - how should I perceive this?
Ohhhh Mimi, Mimi, Mimi.. can i EVER relate to the second language bit for a job!
When I lived in CA I had a really great job working for a newly developed program for going to "traffic school" when one gets a ticket. I had the job for 9 months when they merged with others to form a larger company. It was at that point they "laid me off" because I wasn't bi-lingual! They didn't want to hire a second person to deal with the spanish speaking customers (which I might add were very few) so they laid me off to hire someone who spoke both languages.
For the first time I can remember I was doing a job that made me glad to go to work each day. I was helping people! They would call to inquire of the program, or for help when they were using it. They were always amazed that a "real person" answered the phone, or called them back within a few minutes of their call. For the first time I felt good about myself. And for this I got fired because I didn't speak spanish....
Like you, if i moved to a country that spoke another language I would expect to have to learn the language to survive in that country. I will never understand why America bends over for everyone but those born here!
Nor will I ever understand how this country can give away medical assistance to those that don't even pay taxes to this country, yet do not help those who do.
At one time in my life I found myself on welfare for a few years. This included Medicaid. Anyone that has ever had to be on welfare will tell you.. they want to STAY on it. It sure isn't for the 200 dollars a month they figure you can live on.. it isn't the food stamps... It's the Medicaid! All you need is to have to use it and to find out that you can have the coverage needed to be well again or help fix what's wrong to know, that once off of welfare, and medicaid is gone that you can no longer care for yourself, medically.
There sure are some changes needed in this country ... but you and I won't be around long enough to ever see that happen! I doubt our kids will be either.. or their kids.
I'm torn on the immigration issue. It's hypocritical to me for people to say, "Get out of my country and go back to Mexico" because the people who immigrate here do so for the same reason everyone's ancestors did years and years ago- to get a better life for themselves. Some did it legally, some illegally, but they were able to stay and make a place for themselves. On the flip side, illegal residents are a drain and are costing people jobs and resources. Unfortunately the politicos in DC have not the balls or fortitude to FIX the problem effectively, but I have a solution:
1. Build that dreaded wall between Mexico and the US
2. Legalize and document the folks who make it through (uncaught) before the wall is complete
3. Tax them as they tax everyone else and build revenue to cover health care costs, education, etc.
4. Standardize wages so competition between companies is fair and doesn't favor/exploit new immigrants
i know it feels and sounds hypocritical paz but what in this world/society doesn't. For some reason that "wall" idea worries, bothers, scares, irritates me, probably because at that point, seems like we'd be losing an aspect of ourselves (this country) that separated us from the rest of the world in the first place.
How does it go..."give me your tired, your weay, your ugly", etc.
All i'm saying is that our (their) 4fathers should have shown some 4sight when they decided to claim America as the country with the wide open arms to all people.
If i put an ad in the paper today saying that i'm giving away free cookies, for the first couple of days, it might be cool but after a few weeks i'm sure i'd be overwhelmed and ready to shut down shop.
Too late, damage is done. And it's definitely too much damage to fix it and make everyone happy.
Thank you all.
Desilly: your experience in CA was very foul; to have a great job that you liked going to is rare; and to lose it for ? worse.
Paz: the wall idea will never ever work. Too many loop holes (lol); not to mention as Dragon said, it's too late; the scourges-menaces are firmly planted here already - weeding them out is not possible. And as far as immigration issue goes that is difficult for me on several levels: 1.fleeing persecution/ searching for a better life, I am in full support to a point. I'm lost when I have to learn your language. 2. When immigrants first came to Ellis Island, learning English was sought like a most honorable possession. Not anymore. 3. I cannot forget that learning to read and write for my ancestors was forbidden; one could lose an appendage or be hung for that offense; so if I appear a tad bitter reference my history.
Dragon:4-fathers? Do you think they had any 4-sight at all? Do you think they would have ever agreed to 440 acres & a mule, which we never got. One more consideration, The Civil Rights Act & The Voting Rights Act have Statutes of Limitations, do you think ANY of those "authors" had any idea what descendents of their misguided ideologies would be faced with Today?
p.s. sorry, I know it's 40 Acres & a Mule. proofreading is so important.
No my idea won't make everyone happy, but no solution EVER does. I'll put it this way, border agents can't catch all of the ones coming across now, so the "problem" of illegal immigration isn't being resolved. The illegal residents who are here already are draining the resources that they aren't completely paying in on so THAT issue isn't being resolved. So here's my question to the congregation: What ARE the viable solutions to solve the issue?
more than likely the government would put most of it back in the hands of the individuals. Re: don't hire an illegal immigrant. (like I would know one?? not. Like I would know a false "green card" from a real one? Not.)
I totally understand if someone is hit by a car and lies dieing, I am not going to ask to see a green card to help them. Maybe the country they come from (not all are from Mexico) should be made to pay for their health care when administered in a country that they are illegally in.
That could turn into a way to make THEIR government help keep them from crossing the border.. I know, I know.. it's a pipe dream.
If you or I had the answers we'd be rich! (put on your thinking cap!)
Great Post!!
You touched on so many topics... I don't know which to comment on first! I too am annoyed with the need for me to learn spanish (or any other language) as a requirement to gain or maintain employment in a country whose primary language is English;
Despite my irritation with the consequences of uncensored immigration, I am hesistant to tell them to "go back where they came from" or to learn "our language" because I don't feel too welcomed here myself. On the other hand, as an African American woman (who has been forced to "step-up" her game to compete in unfair educational systems, job markets, segregated communities with limited resources for success, etc.) I'm annoyed at the allowances made to accomodate other ethnic groups in this country--allowances that weren't made for my ancestors.
No one learned African dialects...instead...slaves were immersed in a culture and forced to the language, the religion, the traditions, and the great laws of the land...(yeah right)...
Somehow they knew to be successful in this society--they would have to adapt. As unfair as it may seem, whe I think of an entire ethnic group being thought of as "non-human" and not being allowed to sit next to certain people on buses...
I think getting a green card or visa and learning the language isn't that big a hurdle to jump...makes me sorta insensitive.
personally, i think the spanish language is sexy. Oh, wrong topic.
Umm, this is one of those topics like so many others we deal with, that has no "real" solution especially one that will satisfy the masses. At this point, it's a fact that you're at a disadvantage if you don't speak spanish.
Illegal immigrants are taxing (as in using up) our resources while technically not contributing (besides manual labor) and the sad fact is that very little of that if any will change. There will be some new laws, mandates, proposals, etc. but in the end, how much progress will we really see?
How unrealistic is it to expect a mass evacuation of illegals? Or for the gub-ment to erect a big ass wall down the imaginary line that separates "us" from "them" (a line that that same gub-ment drew in the sand by the way).
The cynic in me says forget about it, worry about something you can do something about.
Like who wins "Dancing with the Stars".
Having people from foreign countries is a problem you can solve. You cant "quarentine" America by building up "the great wall of Central America." There is no "fix". This is the only country that conforms to every single difference that the people who come into it have. I read an article online the other day where a newly elected official is asking for the Bible to be replaced with the Koran for his swear in. There is a good chance they're gonna allow him to do it too. Im not choosing any sides but name one Muslim nation that would allow for someone to be elected and then say "I dont beleive in the Koran, I wanna swear on the Bible." That person would probably be dead before the sun set.
Me personally, I like everybody, but too much conformation will lead to this nation loosing the little bit of identity that it has. Forget "America the beautiful", how about "America the confused".
Having people from foreign countries is a problem you can solve. You cant "quarentine" America by building up "the great wall of Central America." There is no "fix". This is the only country that conforms to every single difference that the people who come into it have. I read an article online the other day where a newly elected official is asking for the Bible to be replaced with the Koran for his swear in. There is a good chance they're gonna allow him to do it too. Im not choosing any sides but name one Muslim nation that would allow for someone to be elected and then say "I dont beleive in the Koran, I wanna swear on the Bible." That person would probably be dead before the sun set.
Me personally, I like everybody, but too much conformation will lead to this nation loosing the little bit of identity that it has. Forget "America the beautiful", how about "America the confused".
I meant to say its a problem you CAN'T solve. Sorry bout that.
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