Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Year


A special thanks to Christine aka Counselor for responding to my SOS, originally sent to the Dragon who delegated the request to the Counselor. Successful or not, I thank you both.

In retrospect 2006 was not great. I had to say a permanent "Good-bye" to both personal friends and friends in my heart & mind. In many of these good-byes I had to deal with a burden masquerading as guilt. I've been told many times, by many people that the burden of guilt has no place in "My Reality". Not helpful. One particular "good-bye" involved that of a 21-year old who was the granddaughter of the Love-Of-My-Life who had passed years earlier. This young lady at age 8 was sexually assaulted; at age 11 prostitution; at age 13 drug addicted & living on the streets; at age 19 HIV positive. Her gradfather was the one person she could always count on - the one she called when she was in trouble, which was often. He left her a key in his utility box, outside of the house, so she always had a place to sleep. She hardly ever used it but I say all this to say: she had a hard life & harder death. She was found in an abandoned house, strangled by her own vomit, which I suspect was the result of an overdose. This was one of the hardest goodbyes I had to say. I made a silent promise to her grandfather of his deathbed that I would always look out for her. While I did try, I can't help but think I didn't try hard enough. I couldn't save her. Maybe no one could have. Basically, my point of this blog is Life marches on rather we are prepared or not. I'm hoping 2007 is better. LOVE & PEACE


Anonymous Anonymous said...

things will get better in '07, I have this from a high authority. You know I got friends in high places.

I remember last year when she was at the house with her sister around christmas. At first it was uncomfortbale until my grandmother (that would be your mother)gave us the whole speech about giving someone that had such a rough life, a moment of happiness and peace. And she really did seem very happy to be there.

I'm sure Lou saw that and knows you did your best to keep your word.

Much Love - King Nephew...I mean, Your Dragon....I know what I mean, I'm all choked up now.

4:45 PM  
Blogger mimi said...

Thanks Kiyotoe. I never got to thank you & Nas for that. It meant so much to her;she had a crush on Nas & thought you were FINE. When I think about the tragedy that was her life, while I know it's not right, I thank God for sparing my nephews anything remotely resembling her experience.I know also there are STARK differences, #1 had ANYONE ever tried to harm you or Nas at any age in any way, I'd be dead or in prison for life -not to mention the rest of this tribe we call FAMILY. Love You, micki

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Micki !!

In a lot of ways, 2006 has been a very difficult year for me also. Although years will come and go, laced with good times and bad, I have found that it is REALLY important to focus on the blessings.

Unfortunately, it sounds like Lou's granddaughter was given a pretty difficult hand to play throughout her life. Although it may not seem like you did enough, the reality is that all you (and all the other wonderful ladies on Franklin Place) could do was love her. People...always know REAL love when they get it. Believe Me!

So leave that guilt alone...

p.s. did you just blow my cover?? :(

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm....there's an imposter in the house. That last comment...was not me. It was the counselor, signed in under my name.

that's what happens when you have two blogoholics under one roof.

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did all you could Mick, but some folks are beyond help. The choices we make today ALWAYS affect tomorrow but she's in a better place now. Happy New Year and hopefully 2007 will be a better place for all of us than 2006! Love you! yah

2:00 PM  
Blogger DesLily said...

oh boy, well after that year you had.. it just has to be a better one this year!

You have enough just trying to keep that Kiyotoe in place (running and hiding now)..
I hope this is a better year for you. I think a lot of us could use a better year.

3:14 PM  
Blogger mimi said...

Happy New Year Deslily! I've been meaning to visit your site; I'll get over there tomorrow. Thanks to you, Kiyotoe, Counselor & Paz. You all keep me kind of grounded. Paz, the part about being beyond help, I have a little trouble with. In a way she was doomed at birth: both parents recreational junkies;the streets became her parents, her philosophy, her religion. But Always, she had an exceptionally warm heart and loving spirit. Could she have been reached after the excessive damage? I don't know. By the way did anybody have a chance to check out the Oprah challenge? I taped it and will get copies out soon. I think this was an especially incredible excercise for educators, parents, people in general to experience. Thanks Again! Much Love, micki

3:36 PM  

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