Thursday, January 11, 2007

Questioning Time

I don't know why but for some reason I am becoming almost morbidly preoccupied with "Time". How much do we collectively or individually have left? Is it an arbitrary concept? Are the most secure people those who live for the here & now? Or the those who meticulously plan every second? There are those who don't consider time: how much, how little, how long, how short, almost ZEN. They tend to "ride-the-wave"; que sera sera; like the song says, "whatever will be, will be - the future's not ours to see". Is that true. If we spend our lives planning for a tomorrow that may or may not become a reality, have we wasted our energies & efforts? Is it defeatist to entertain any of these thoughts? Is it cynical to expect little in order to avoid disappointment? Do we reach for the stars and in so doing negate any sense of humanity and compassion? I am just finding myself debating this quandry of time. What exactly is its importance? I would imagine the terminally ill would have one perspective that would dramatically differ from one who has the WORLD on a string - TRULY BLESSED & HIGHLY FAVORED. Which one might I be? Which one are you? Peace & Love, micki


Blogger DesLily said...

Hi Micki.. well.. being nearly 63 I am morbidly into "time" ..nuff said there.

I don't think the "young" think of time at all..not until they hit an age that "bothers" them..and that differs from person to person.. then, they begin thinking about it seriously.

I guess I'm cynical .. I'm one who expects not only "little"..but nothing, and then I'm not disappointed. Oh sometimes I look forward to something.. and shocked if it comes to pass lol.. but I think most of that is age related.

When we were young, we never thought it would end one takes age and the loosing of loved ones before we realize just how short a time we have.

Thankfully the mind lets us not be "glued" on time..but we do think of it more and more as we age. It's too bad.. wouldn't it be great to live healthy and happy right up to the end?

6:44 AM  
Blogger mimi said...

Deslily: it would be great to live happy & healthy, one not mutually exclusive to the other. And I hope you don't mind me saying this but you do NOT have the voice or the view of a 63-year old; you are blessed to possess the capacity, knowledge & "COOL" to relate to any age! Thanks for you. Love & Peace, Micki

3:17 PM  
Blogger DesLily said...

are you sure you're talking about me??? hahaha.. what is it they say? the mind says "go go go" and the body says "no no no"? lol... it's the pitts that when we finally "get it" we can't do anything with it! lol..

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I left a comment yesterday and I don't see it here...I think I might have messed it up...

So...let me rewind...

I've noticed that as I've become older, time is beginning to become more and more important to me. I think it's part of human development for us to begin to think about time and our contributions in this life--as it flies by. I find myself wondering if focusing on school and my career may have limited my options of having the family I've always wanted.

I think we value time more when we realize just how little we really have...and how fast it all flies.

We lose so much time worrying about things we have no control over. I'm slowly trying to learn that myself!

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i try to live for the moment, but part of my "nature" is to look for security and stablility and in some ways, i pay quite a bit of attention to time.

you already know my deal with the death issue so i won't go into it here.

By the way, i can't believe you and the "cool" deslily (why else would i be so tight with her other than her being so cool), but i just saw that you guys got some snow.

not fair at all.

9:46 AM  

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