Monday, January 15, 2007


We Celebrate A People
(A Tribute in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Forced to learn a language, without essential tools
No teachers! No books!No need for any schools!
STILL. They Learned!
Counted as 1/5 human, disenfranchised as such,
Their need to have a voice would not be hushed.
A fire was Hot.
A rope was Tight.
Nevertheless A People would Die for their Rights.
Regardless of Race, Religion or Creed.

We Celebrate A People that WOULD,
when James Weldon Johnson said:
"Lift Every Voice 'til Earth & Heaven Rings"
A People who UNDERSTOOD,
when Maya articulated exactly
'Why The Caged Bird Sings'.

We Celebrate A People
A SPIRIT no shackle could chain;
A SPIRIT no cracking whip could wane;
A SPIRIT Jim Crow Lawws couldn't break.
A SPIRIT no living thing could take.
We celebrate the riches of our Heritage,
the tenacity of our Ancestors & the Hope for our Children,
As well as the Legacy of Determination bequeathed US.
To all of this we cling,
And in so doing:


Blogger DesLily said...

Happy MLKjr Day!...

ohhh I love Maya A.!!!! What a fascinating lady she is!

9:52 AM  
Blogger mimi said...

Happy MLK, Jr.Day to you Deslily! Usually I do something special - a tribute at a local school or church, of find a soup-kitchen to volunteer for a few hours; but none of that came to pass: schools are closed;nothing in the paper about a daytime event;I phoned 2 of the kitchens I know of:they ALL were having a "bus ride" to NYC for a Special King Day Celebration. How do they say? #1 No good deed goes unpunished/#2 all dressed up & no where to go. lol. Maybe I'll plan better next year.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautifully put.
I found you through the Dragon, while we were both (not) pimping our own blogs.

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna be just like you when I grow up....

this was another top notch micki original. You need to use this blog to empty out your archives. You could get some kind of deal or somethin'.

1:52 AM  
Blogger mimi said...

Thank you Kiyotoe;that means a lot coming from you;I was going through the many comments on your 2 part blog & the Counselor's sequel: after about the 3rd time I read them ALL from the first to the last, I realized how truly far we've come;I know we still have a very long way to go, and I don't see it really changing in my lifetime. I was thinking about some volunteer work I did when I was in college;there was a day care center with children from wealthy families and children from poor families they were too young to know which was which;they formed little "cliques" not based on race or class, but on the games they pulled out the box to play; I'll never forget (because of the progressive center, there were deaf and blind children also there) one day a reclusive blind girl who always sat in the same spot, speaking only when spoken to, was approached by one of the boys who asked questions, honest & curious like any 4-year old would;the little girl was relieved and answered the boy's questions, though many were silly but not insensitive, I was going to intervene when he stood up, took her hand and said, "You wanna play?" She couldn't see he was Black, he had no idea her blindness was a handicap. The two became very good friends;I guess what I'm going the long way to say is: We are taught to hate and fear, but it's truly awesome when two innocents physically demonstrate that it doesn't have to be. Peace & Love, micki

6:55 PM  

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