Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What Does It ALL Mean?

Please help me out with these: murder/suicide (steroidal-induced); a law to repeal the balance of "race" in schools; an heiress walks - with no more than a slap on the wrist; Libby is in effect "pardoned/forgiven"; valid indications point to the mis-information about Black Men being on the down-low, infecting unsuspecting female partners with the package; the plight in Africa, while obtaining celebrity notoriety has for the most part fallen to an after-thought; more violence killing our young men & women in a country where they do not belong-in a place that has no more significance other than that of an obsessed ignorant tyrant-why are the still there - who has the BALLS to DEMAND they come home, YESTERDAY? I get migrains trying to make sense out of any of these things. A man living 2-3 blocks away from me drowned his 4 & 6 year old daughters in the bath tub, then hung himself. WHY? Hell, if that was the intention, why not do you first? I'm sorry to get off on a rant here but the world get's uglier by the second. I want the Idyllic, though based on fallacy Days back.


Blogger paz y amor said...

I hate to say it, but I think the world's ALWAYS been a messed up place unfortunately. Acts of violence have been around since the beginning. All we can do is help those who we can and prevent (as best we can) those insane acts like the ones you mentioned.

10:33 PM  
Blogger The Counselor said...

Crazy huh? It's nothing like turning on the news...waiting for the weather... to find that you live next door to murders, pedophiles work at the local school and church, celebrities are responsible for more DUIs than high school students on Prom Night, and global warming is effecting our climate and our energy bills.

I keep an umbrella in my car, a sweater, and a change of shoes. I'd rather be prepared for anything rather than sit though another scary movie marketed as the "action news".

Great Post...I feel ya!

7:19 PM  

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